Saturday, April 6, 2013

Intro & arrival in Barcelona

This blog is a project by students in Oregon International Education Consortium (OIEC)'s Spring Term 2013 program in Barcelona. Spain is a new location for us; in the past we've offered study abroad experienes in Paris, London, and Florence. Our European partner is Barcelona SAE, an organization that offers a number of educational opportunities in addition to helping American colleges offer Barcelona foreign study programs to their students.

Things began at Portland International Airport on Sunday, March 24 as we boarded the Delta nonstop to Amsterdam, then a five hour layover, and finally arriving Monday afternoon in Barcelona -- where we found a suitable greeting indeed: 

 Barcelona SAE Director Rich Kurtzman and his staff greeted us at the airport, then hailed taxis to take us to our various apartments around town. Orientation continued the next morning as everyone gathered at Barcelona International College, in Barcelona's elegant Eixample neighborhood. This is both SAE's headquarters and classroom building, located in the very heart of Barcelona. Things began with introductions and Rich shared the general outlines of an overseas experience, along with particulars of living in Barcelona.

To cure any lingering jet lag, and to give an overview of the city and an introduction to traditional Catalan cuisine, Rich and the staff led everyone on a hike up to Can Marti, a famous (praised by  Gwyneth Paltrow no less) Catalan restaurant on Mt. Tibidabo, with a stunning view of Barcelona and the Mediterranean.

Lunch was a classic Catalan menu, including calcots, a large, mild onion available only this time of year, and traditionally char-broiled and served with romesco sauce; toast with tamate and garlic; grilled meats; and dessert. 

Rich demonstrates proper use of the porro, a traditional 
Catalan glass jug.

With practice you can take a serious swig,
but expect to get splattered before that happens. . .

Afterwards we rode the funicular down to Placa Catalunya, where we visited FNAC,
a European electronics chain to buy local cell phones --
and then classes began the next morning at 9!